Project Sekai

Bad Parenting 2



Bad Parenting 2 unfolds a harrowing tale rooted in the darkest corners of family life, where fantasy and harsh reality collide. The game sets the scene with a seemingly ordinary family, but as night falls, the true terror begins. Bruce, a father transformed by alcohol into the monstrous Mr. Red Face, becomes the catalyst for tragedy. The narrative is driven by the aftermath of a heated argument between Bruce and his wife, which spirals into the fatal moment when Bruce, in a drunken rage, attacks his son Ron. The story does not shy away from the aftermath of this violence, exploring themes of loss, guilt, and the supernatural echo of unresolved pasts.


The gameplay mechanics of Bad Parenting 2 are designed to engage players deeply with the story’s emotional and psychological themes. Players navigate through a series of puzzles and challenges that mimic Ron’s attempts to piece together his fragmented memories and cope with his new reality as a lingering spirit. The game uniquely blends traditional horror survival elements with puzzles that require players to solve to unlock memories and story segments, providing a reflective pause amidst the tension. Each decision impacts the unfolding of the narrative, leading to multiple endings based on the choices made by the player.


At the heart of the game are its characters, each deeply fleshed out to enhance the storytelling. Ron, the central figure, is portrayed not just as a victim but as a beacon of resilience, his spirit guiding the plot’s progression. His mother, often referred to by the community as Annette or Angela, represents the struggle of those left behind, her character development pivotal as she transitions from despair to a determined seeker of justice for her son. Mr. Red Face, more than just a villain, is a representation of personal demons and the destructive power of addiction. The game’s portrayal of these characters invites players to look beyond their surface interactions and dive into their complex emotional landscapes, adding layers of depth to the gameplay experience.

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