Cryptid Coffeehouse takes the urban legend of Mothman and transforms it into a unique narrative experience set in a quaint Midwestern town. Players find themselves in a familiar coffee shop where they meet Artemis, affectionately known as Mothman. This sets the stage for a slow-burn romance that challenges the traditional boundaries of storytelling in games.
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Cryptid Coffeehouse takes the urban legend of Mothman and transforms it into a unique narrative experience set in a quaint Midwestern town. Players find themselves in a familiar coffee shop where they meet Artemis, affectionately known as Mothman. This sets the stage for a slow-burn romance that challenges the traditional boundaries of storytelling in games.
The game features an extensive exploration of personal and romantic relationships with a twist: all characters are humanized versions of cryptids and mythical creatures. Players can navigate through various town locales, engaging with these characters and forging connections. What sets Cryptid Coffeehouse apart is its robust customization system for pronouns, allowing players to use traditional or neopronouns for themselves and interact with the game’s narrative on their terms. The design also emphasizes consent and comfort, enabling players to decline any part of the game’s interactions without negative consequences, ensuring a respectful and inclusive experience.
Offering approximately 152,000 words and 7-9 hours of gameplay, Cryptid Coffeehouse delves into the nuances of relationship building, consent, and identity. The slow progression of the relationship with Artemis spans thirteen weeks, allowing players to experience the natural development of intimacy and mutual respect. This approach respects player agency and enriches the emotional depth of the narrative, making each decision and interaction a significant part of the unfolding story.
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