Project Sekai

Back Alley Tales

Back Alley Tales invites players into a dimly lit, mysterious world where the secrets of a forgotten urban landscape are waiting to be uncovered. Set in a neglected part of the city, the game focuses on exploration and discovery through the eyes of a curious protagonist whose interest in urban legends leads them to a series of eerie, abandoned alleys. Players navigate these hidden environments, collecting clues and interacting with a range of environmental puzzles that reveal the histories and stories embedded in the shadows.

Back Alley Tales invites players into a dimly lit, mysterious world where the secrets of a forgotten urban landscape are waiting to be uncovered. Set in a neglected part of the city, the game focuses on exploration and discovery through the eyes of a curious protagonist whose interest in urban legends leads them to a series of eerie, abandoned alleys. Players navigate these hidden environments, collecting clues and interacting with a range of environmental puzzles that reveal the histories and stories embedded in the shadows.

Delve into a Deeply Interactive Environment

As players move through the game, they engage with a highly interactive environment where every object can tell a part of a story. The gameplay emphasizes tactile interaction, encouraging players to examine, manipulate, and combine items they find to solve puzzles and unlock new areas. The alleys themselves are more than mere backdrops; they are intricate puzzles filled with hidden mechanisms, secret compartments, and cryptic messages that challenge the player’s perception and ingenuity.

Encounter the Inhabitants of the Shadows

Throughout their journey, players encounter various characters who are as mysterious as the setting itself. These inhabitants range from reclusive old timers with knowledge of the alleys’ secrets to lost souls who seem to be part of the alleys’ very fabric. Dialogues with these characters are crucial, as they provide essential hints and flesh out the narrative, deepening the mystery and adding layers to the storytelling. The interactions also serve as key elements in puzzle-solving, where understanding the stories of these characters can lead to critical breakthroughs.

The game blends elements of horror, mystery, and adventure, crafting a suspenseful atmosphere that keeps players engaged from start to finish. With its combination of detailed environmental storytelling, complex character development, and innovative puzzle design, Back Alley Tales offers an engaging adventure for players who love to piece together puzzles and uncover hidden stories within the darkest corners of the city.

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